Now that I have the experience of 1 walk, and another year to listen to advice and try new ideas out, I have gone back to the blog I wrote last year to see if I am following the advice I gave. I believe some of it has not and will not change, like the advice to read the message boards, read blogs from members of the 3 Day family, and even find and listen to facebook 3 Day friends. These are invaluable resources of advice, inspiration, and motivation. And all will these wonderful people would be more than happy to answer questions and give you their take on any issue or problem you might be having. I must say I love these people and have learned so very much from them (THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!)
So let me do a list of my advice and let you know my take on it now...

Socks and Shoes - Well last year I wrote that I wished I had a better back up pair of shoes that were a completely different brand/style that I could wear like day 2 of the event so as to hopefully reduce blisters since the different shoes would rub in different spots. Well this year I do have a much better back up pair (the pair I've done my training in). But something I did differently this year was to go to a running shoe store to get professionally fitted for my shoes. While I was there I asked the salesperson (and this gave her the perfect opportunity to sell me another pair for another $100!) whether or not she thought this would help, based on her experience. She said it would be more helpful to buy a new pair of shoes within weeks of the event with just enough time to break them in but not wearing them more than that to keep them in "prime" condition for the event. That and buying good socks should be the best blister prevention. So only time will tell whether this advice will work better for me this year. And I am really having a hard time finding socks I like. Thick cushioned socks start giving me "hot spots" on the ball of my foot. Thin socks give me "hot spots" on my heel. Sigh. So I am going with changing my socks from thick to thin and back again throughout each day, bringing 2-3 pairs with me each day of the walk in my pack (in individual sealed baggies to keep them dry in case of rain and to have a bag to keep worn ones in so that I don't have to smell them for 60 miles! LOL!) So I'll just have to let you know afterwards whether or not this worked! I will definitely be using my glide and re-using it every time that I change my socks, and will be carrying my new skin just in case...
me and my fav skirt and funky socks! |
Well I've re-read my advice on clothing. This I will not be changing this time around. I loved my running skirt so much that I've bought another one! And I will be wearing the silky moisture - wicking material shirts all 3 days, including our team shirt which will (hopefully!) be a bamboo racer back tank this year. I will also have our long sleeve team shirt which we are having made (again hopefully!) to use in the mornings when it is chilly out and which I can easily tie around my waist as I warm up throughout the day. I have added my "funky socks" to my ensemble though... But since I need to wear the proper socks, I have cut the feet off of my cute knee socks so that I can have the best of both worlds. I can wear my good moisture wicking socks, yet have the look of wearing funky knee socks as well!! Besides, my husband thinks my silly socks are cute...
my pinked out hippack ! |
As for the hippack I am using, I am using the exact one that I used last year. I loved that it held so much stuff (since I AM a girl and need to bring stuff for just in case) and I have 2 water bottles included so I can have water in one and the lovely gatorade in the other. But this year I am changing up what will be in my pack, since I've learned what I actually needed and what I didn't need. Body Glide? - NECESSARY! My favorite honey roasted peanut snack? - NOT NECESSARY! (It is a walking buffet of delicious snacks, no need to bring any more!) Crystal light fitness water bottle packets? - NOT NECESSARY! I truly no longer cared what I was drinking while walking. I don't even like gatorade, but wet and cold were the only requirements I learned that I had last year. Although I was eternally grateful to have a diet coke with dinner. It was the most delicious drink ever at that point!!! New skin (or 2nd skin)? - NECESSARY! I don't like using tape or moleskin since the end up sliding around and actually making things WORSE for me. But new skin was still on DAYS after the event!! Which was a little gross, but I learned to handle gross - just look at how gross your fingernails are by the end of day 3! How I got that much dirt under them without digging in the dirt was a mystery I still haven't solved... Camera? - ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY! - I wouldn't trade those pics for gold. They are a treasure to me! Chapstick and lotion? - NECESSARY! - If you've trained and have done long walks, you know how dried out you feel and how wonderful it is to use these! Flip flops tied with ribbon to my pack? - NECESSARY (for me anyway)! I LOVED the fact that at lunch and waiting for the bus at the end of day one to take you back to camp I could get those kicks off and put on my fav flip flops. Band - aids? - NOT NECESSARY! I certainly wouldn't put them on a blister since you know how well they stick to wet sweaty skin, and new skin works 100 times better. Plus if I need one I could always get one from one of the medical tents. Rain poncho? - NECESSARY! Not only is it guaranteed to rain continuously for 3 days straight if you don't bring one, but in case of the occasional shower I would like to keep my clothes and things in my hippack as dry as possible. Please bring one, you know if you do we won't need it... Hand sanitizer? - NECESSARY! Although a lot of the porta-potties had full hand sanitizer dispensers, some had run out. And as wonderful as it is for the 3 day peeps to give out the hand sanitizer wipes, they can't help that those things sometimes dry out and it's like trying to wash your hands off with a tissue... Trial size deodorant? - NECESSARY! Well I feel better reapplying it, and I'm sure my team mates appreciate it as well... Sunscreen? - NECESSARY! ID and bank card/credit card? - NECESSARY! You never know when you might find you need something, or when a delicious frappaccino might call your name...
And motrin? - ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY! I take this every 6 hrs for 3 days straight. It won't hurt, and it just might help!

For camp, I am sticking with my advice as well. I am using my air mattress again. And I hadn't decided at the time I wrote my previous blog, but I am using the same sleeping bag as well. I am however wearing warmer things to bed so I am not as cold while I sleep this time, and still bringing a light but warm extra blanket. I am still bringing a wonderfully comfy pair of slippers to wear around camp after my shower; a pair that I won't mind just throwing away if they get ruined. That was a wonderful feeling, sliding my feet into warm fuzzy slippers... I will also bring all trial sized items again, although I am going to put all of my shower things and my clothes for the evening in a tote bag, so that when it is time for my shower I don't have to go through my stuff to find all the things I will need, I will just pick up the tote and be ready to go. I will not be packing my beloved Milanos for a midnight snack this year however, and I will decide at the last minute (after I see how much my suitcase weighs before and after) whether or not I will be bringing 2 bottles of my beloved Powerade Zero for the first fill of the morning in my water bottles. I will bring pics of my family the people I am walking for that I have pictures of, and my Bible. I think I will get more comfort from them than from Milanos.
And the one thing I am bringing this year that I didn't last year is something for all the beautiful children who came out with their parents to official and unofficial cheering stations. I have purchased some pink Marti Gra beads to hand out this year to them. I gave away the few I was wearing on the walk last year, and the children's faces just lit up when I gave it to them. That was a wonderful moment I want to repeat!
Well it's still 5 1/2 weeks out till the walk, so I could still decide to change things up a little. But for now this is the game plan.
Oh yeah, did I mention the glasses? Must bring...
And I must say, I didn't think that on year / walk 2 I would be as excited as I was last year. So for all of you who debate whether or not to do it for the 2nd time... Let me assure you I am just as excited if not more for this year!!! Woohoo!!!